Thursday, August 21, 2008

Alonso calls for Madrid plane crash tribute

Former world champion Fernando Alonso will urge his fellow drivers to join him in paying tribute to 153 victims of yesterday's Madrid aircrash ahead of first practice for the European Grand Prix at Valencia.

The Spaniard, who will wear a black armband as a personal act of respect after a Spanair flight crashed shortly after take-off from Madrid airport, is hoping to convince the other 19 drivers on the grid to join him in a minute's silence before heading onto the Valencia street circuit for the first time.

"I will wear a black armband and I will talk with the drivers tomorrow," said Alonso. "Maybe we can do something before starting - maybe one minute's silence in the pit-lane."

Alonso also believes that the tragedy will overshadow Valencia's first grand prix.

"It will definitely change the weekend for me, because it's a tragedy what happened," he said."All the Spanish people are in shock and I am too. It's probably the saddest approach to a weekend I have had.

"Tomorrow we will start slowly to get into the weekend - life continues. But it's a different weekend compared to what it should be."

A three-day national period of mourning has been declared in Spain.

  • Rosberg says practice vital in Valencia
  • GP2 drivers to race on Valencia streets
  • New Valencia track secures GP2 race
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